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Skype logo blue arrows

Type your Skype name, email, or phone, press the Tab key until you hear "Next," and then press Enter. To sign in to another account, press the Tab key until you hear "Use another account", and then press Enter. On the Sign in screen, press the Tab key until you hear the name of your account, then press Enter. If you have signed out and selected to remember your account settings, Skype allows you to sign in with the previous account. Once you've signed in for the first time, Skype opens without prompting you to sign in the next time unless you've specifically selected to sign out. To sign out of Skype, reference the Sign out of Skype section in this article. To move through the dialogs, press the Tab key. Skype may open a dialog asking you to select initial settings, such as your profile picture, the microphone, and the camera.Type your password, then press the Tab key until you hear "Sign in button", then press Enter. The focus moves to the Password field.You'll be taken through the process to create a new account. If you want to create a new account, press the Tab key until you hear "Create a Microsoft account", and then press Enter.Type your Skype name, phone number, or email, then press the Tab key until you hear "Next button", and then press Enter. You will hear "Enter your email, phone, or Skype".When Skype opens, you will hear "Sign in or create button".To open Skype, press the Windows logo key and type Skype.If you previously signed in to Skype, but chose not to have your device remember your settings when you signed out, you'll need to follow these steps. Once you've installed Skype for Windows, you'll need to sign in or create an account. Start Skype automatically when you start Windows.Sign in to Skype once you've signed out.To learn more about accessibility features go to What accessibility features are available for Skype?.We recommend using Skype for Windows with the NVDA screen reader and Skype for Windows 10 & 11 (version 15) with Narrator, the built-in Windows screen reader.For keyboard shortcuts, go to What are keyboard shortcuts and how do I use them in Skype?.For more information, please go to How do I update Skype? Notes: The information provided in this article is for use with the latest version of Skype. You can make calls, use instant messaging (IM) to chat, and set Skype to start automatically when you start Windows. Use Skype with your keyboard and a screen reader, such as NVDA, or Narrator, the built-in Windows screen reader, to sign in and communicate with others. For more general help, visit Skype Support home. This article is for people with visual impairments who use a screen reader program with Skype and is part of the Skype Accessibility content set.

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